These pictures above are of a trip I took to the Farmington this past April. We were fishing during Hendrickson season and the dry fly fishing was fantastic. At Around 2:30 both days we fished a Hendrickson hatch occurred. At around 6:30 at night the spinner fall would occur. The 2:30 hatch was very good and led to some very good dry fly fishing yet at some points the 6:30 hatch felt like a blizzard. In between the hatches I would use a dry dropper with a Hendrickson dry fly dropped down to a small egg. This egg caught the biggest trout pictured above and the smallest trout pictured above. The rest of the fish were all caught on dry flies. I believe most of the fish were stocked although I am not 100% sure. All of the fish above were either caught in the drive in pool or in the riffles above it.
Talkin Trout is an online blog/podcast series about fly fishing based out of Central Massachusetts
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Friday, June 24, 2016
Monday, May 23, 2016
Pennsylvania US Youth Fly Fishing Clinic
This past weekend I headed down to Central PA for a fly fishing clinic held by the US Youth Fly Fishing Team. The clinic was hosted in the Sieg center on Fishing Creek in Lamar PA. I got to the stream at around 12 on Friday. I fished the rest of the day with the help from some great local fishing guides. I caught 2 brookies on dry flies in the first couple of hours and unfortunately got skunked the rest of that day. I fished a lot on Saturday and got some more awesome casting instruction from some amazing fisherman. I didn't end up getting anything until one of my friends and I hiked a bit upstream to a spot we were pretty confident no one had hit. Once we got up there the rain let up and the fish started rising. I took out a Hendrickson spinner with an egg sack as it was the closest imitation I had to the sulphur spinners that were falling. On the first cast with this fly I caught a nice brookie, the second biggest pictured above. A little bit later I caught another smal brookie and a small brown. The next day one of my friends and I decided to get up real early to fish the same spot we had so much luck the day before. After a couple of minutes I caught a nice brookie and seconds later my friend caught the biggest brookie pictured above fishing a walts worm with a Czech nymphing rig. I believe that fish was around 13 inches. We headed downstream to search for some tigers in a nearby tributary but unfortunately did not find anything. We then decided to head back upstream. I headed a bit upstream of where we caught the last. At the new spot there was a promising looking undercut bank and an overhanging tree. We weren't getting anything on nymphs anymore and there was nothing rising. Yesterday I heard some of the guides taking about catching a lot on dries even without a hatch, I put two and two together and tied on a size 12 elk hair caddis, using it as a sort of an attractor pattern. I tossed it under the tree with a backhand cast and drifted the fly inches from the bank. A brown smashed it, swam downstream and continued to jump multiple times. I was able to quickly land it as my friend had another fish maybe 20 feet downstream. I quickly ran over and was able to get his in my net as he left his back at the center. We were both very excited, his brookie being his best fish on a dry and my brown being my best wild trout on a dry fly. We headed back downstream where we found Joe Humphreys talking with some guides. In about an hour he took us out on the creek and taught us the slack leader cast and told us many great fishing stories. After having him coach us for a couple hours he told us to go out and use what he taught us. I then fished for another hour and my parents picked me up. This was probably my most memorable fly fishing experience I've had to date. I caught some of my best fish and learned from some amazing fly fisherman. This is something I would recommend to any kid wether he's an expert or a begginer, everyone there learned something and caught fish.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
First Spring trip to the Swift
A frustrating trip at first, this expedition out to Massachusetts's Swift River payed off eventually. Eamonn and I show up at around 2:30 to the route 9 bridge and started fishing. Not really knowing what to expect, stocking wise, due to the previous year's stocking schedule, we start fishing just above the bridge. Not seeing lots of interested fish going after our flies, a caddis nymph an a squirmy wormy, we switched to streamers. The Circus Peanut and Mike's Meal ticket got some attention at the Y-Pool but only one fish bit so we decided to explore. At the top of the right tributary of the of the Y-pool where there was little to no current and plenty of cover and space for the new stockers was where we got the most luck. Jigging a tungsten weighted jig style egg was what caught this beauty and a couple of other ones that got away. A weighted midge also worked well in this area by just letting it sink to the bottom,getting the attention of the stockers. As it started to get dark and we were heading back the egg fly was what nearly caught another nice fish which ended up swimming under and around Eamonn's legs and then breaking off. We had another bite where my line got stuck in a tree after the hook set and snapped most of my leader off. Even though most of the trip was spent figuring out what fly to use, the one fly that stood out and caught the most fish was the simple egg fly. This trip taught us a big lesson, never discount simple flies.
Saturday, March 5, 2016
Western Road Trip
These photos were taken during a western road trip my family took a few years ago. Back then I was not as good of a fisherman as I am now, although I was able to catch some good fish. We flew into Denver then drove through NM,AZ,NV,CA,OR,WA,ID,MT, and then back into CO. During the trip I was able to fish quite a bit. I fished in an alpine lake in the Colorado Rockies, I fished in the Smith River California, I fished in the Madison, Yellowstone, Gallatin and Deschutes rivers as well as some random creeks in the Wyoming Rockies. On the Smith River I caught a small what I believe to be native or wild rainbow trout ( the first picture). In California I also fished in a small coastal creek where I caught the second fish pictured above which I believe to be a small King Salmon Smolt. After driving through Oregon where I made a quick stop at the Deschutes River I headed into Idaho for about a day. After Idaho we drove into Montana where I spent a couple days.In Montana I had the most luck on the Gallatin River where I caught 20 or so rainbow trout. In addition to the Galattin I fished the Yellowstone River, The Madison River and Rock Creek.
Once back in Colorado I fished in an alpine lake on Mt.Evans. Although I did not catch anything I got many bites from very aggressive cutthroat trout which was very fun. Overall this was my favorite trip of all time and someday in the future I hope to return with more skills.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Central Pennsylvania Trout Trip
Last May I attended a U.S Youth Fly Fishing Team clinic held on Fishermans Creek and Spring Creek in central Pennsylvania. There I spent three days learning from some amazing fisherman, from kids on the team as well as guides and even Joe Humphreys. During the time I was there they filmed part of Joe Humphreys movie, you can actually see me a couple of times in the trailer they released.
During the clinic I was introduced to an entirely new type of fishing, European nymphing with a sighter instead of a bobber. In addition to this I was introduced to jig head nymphs. I used these techniques and flies for the entirety of the clinic and still use them today. The brook trout above was caught on a dry fly during an evening sulphur hatch on Fishermans Creek. The brown trout was caught on a baetis nymph on spring creek. Overall the clinic was a blast, I learned a lot and in between caught some good fish too. I would recommend this clinic to any teens (as it is a youth clinic) who want to learn more about fly fishing.
Friday, February 19, 2016
First Trout Trip of the Year
Today I fished the swift for a few hours with many bites but very few fish. I first started out fishing a WD-40 with a caddis nymph as an anchor down at the pipe pool. I got no bites there so I headed up to the route 9 bridge. There I saw a spin fisherman catch a big trout on a spinner so I switched to a circus peanut to try to imitate a small brook trout or sculpin. Immediately I started getting many bites. I worked my way upstream until I finally caught the fish seen above. I walked even farther up to the y-pool where I had many bites. After fishing the y-pool for half an hour I ended up leaving. There were very few fish in the river at this time so I was pumped to catch this guy, especially sight fishing with a streamer.
Wednesday, February 17, 2016
Talking Trout Interview 1/31/16
Fisheries and Wildlife Interview - 1/31/16(Click here for Interview)
Above is an interview with Commissioner of Fisheries and Wildlife, George Peterson, Chief of Trout Stocking, Ken Simmons, and Fisheries Biologist Todd Richards. The interview discusses topics such as; what is the state of wild trout in Massachusetts, what is the state of Atlantic Salmon, both sea run and landlocked in Massachusetts, and what exactly is the goal of trout stocking. In addition to this, Mr.Simmons, Peterson, and Richards discuss what exactly their job entails as well as what sort educational background each one had to have to get to where they are today. The various trout hatcheries throughout Massachusetts are discussed as well as some interesting facts about the net zero energy building the department of fisheries and wildlife works in. In addition to the scientific and more technical aspects of the interview, many good fishing spots around the state are mentioned as well. Overall the content in the interview is fascinating and filled with valuable information for people interested in not only Massachusetts cold-water fisheries, but the future of Massachusetts wild trout and salmon.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Fly Fishing in Nova Scotia
All these pictures were taken in Cape Breton Nova Scotia on a recent trip to Nova Scotia this past July. Overall this had to be my most enjoyable trout fishing experience. I probably fished for around 5 hours in total and caught somewhere around 30 trout. The first 4 brookies were caught in a random creek in the Margaree watershed that is also pictured above. My dad and I drove around 5 minutes away from our hotel and found a small creek off the side of the road in the Margaree Valley. Lucky for me we found the creek in the midst of a blizzard of a sulphur hatch. I quickly hopped into the river and tied on a generic yellow mayfly. I first casted into a riffle no more 4 feet wide and 6 inches deep (you can see it at the very top of the picture). There I quickly landed a small salmon parr. I went on to catch around 20 more trout in a period of 30 minutes all on dry flies. Although they were all under about 8 inches, it was still a blast. The next day I fished in a small river somewhere on the northern coast of Cape Breton. There, despite the fact it was low water and the middle of the day, brook trout were rising. Once I got down to the river I ended up having to cut my line due to a tangle. Unfortunately I forgot my tippet in the car, but the fish didn't seem to care. I used my 4 foot 8lb test leader and tied on a mayfly dry fly and successfully caught 5 or so beautiful native brook trout. Later that day I returned to the Margaree river where I swung for salmon with no results. I then pulled out my trout rod and fished the same fly I fished the past few days and caught the salmon parr and big trout above, along with a few more smaller trout. The fish in Cape Breton were strong, aggressive, and a blast to catch. I would definitely recommend fishing here to anyone who loves brook trout. Although I didn't catch many big ones I caught many beautiful ones, and in the end, catching native trout on dry flies never gets old.
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Deerfield River
Monday, February 1, 2016
East Creek Vermont Brook Trout
All of these brook trout were caught in East Creek in Pittsford Vermont. There is a small pool right off the sight of the road on Sangamon Road in Pittsford. I believe nearly all fish in this pool are stocked although I'm sure there are a few wild brookies. Overall the fish in this stream seemed to respond mostly to attractor patterns. I caught all of my fish and had all of my bites either jigging a san juan worm in the pool or stripping a black zonker and chenille streamer. There were about 15 brookies in the pool and that was about it. Further downstream there was a short riffle that held about the same amount. In that situation I just drifted the san juan worm, using a hopper dropper system.
Lake Winnipesauke Trout Trip
These are pictures of a summer trip to lake Winnipesauke. One of my friends has a house on the lake and a small boat he uses for trolling. This past august I went up there for a fishing trip. We would get up at about 5 every morning and head out to a spot on the lake off of an Island. There we set up 3 trolling rods all with different lures. Most of the luck we had was with a Wonder bread Trolling spoon and an olive and white streamer fly at around a size 8. All of the fish and bites were had at around 30-60 feet so it was a little too deep to cast a fly rod.The salmon above was caught on the first morning of the trip with the Wonder bread spoon and the lake trout was caught the second morning on the olive and white streamer
Monday, January 25, 2016
Bunny Bugger Fly Tying Tutorial
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Winthrop Bass
This large mouth bass was caught on a Lake Winthrop on a canoe in late august, it was caught just off of a steep drop off at the base of a large flat near the center of the lake, I was stripping a size 4 orange woolly bugger which had been successful the whole summer with pickerel, crappie and especially bass. The bass in this lake were being hooked on small lures and flies all throughout the summer and into the fall, when I tried switching to a larger size fly the fish just weren't as aggressive as they were with the smaller flies. This was both good and bad considering I got plenty of bites but nearly half of them were sunfish, I felt the hard hit that is unique to the sunfish in this lake and got my hopes up but when you pull out your 15th sunfish of the day,bass begin to seem like a rarity. Luckily enough I was able to get this big guy towards the end of the day.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Solid day on the Swift
This trout was caught at the Swift river probably around last April. Due to the really harsh winter Massachusetts got, trout stocking was delayed. When my friend and I arrived at the Swift we actually found very few trout, it seemed as though there was 10 suckers for every rainbow. The first place we stopped was almost right beneath the route nine bridge. Once we got down to the river we saw a solid pod of fish maybe around 20 or so. Most of them were suckers but there were a few holdover rainbows in the mix. At the time my friend was fishing dry flies and nymphs while I was just drifting an egg. At one point after not getting any bites I decided to cast near a fallen tree across the river, hoping there might be something in there...and there was, the rainbow pictured below. That trout put up a solid fight, twisting my tippet all around some sticks near the fallen tree. Luckily my friend was there and was able to net the fish before it snapped off. Later I switched to a brown wooly bugger and was able to catch a sucker in the same spot. My friend was able to land a sucker on an egg pattern down at the Y-pool. Towards the end of the day we decided to head down to the pipe where we both used Walt's worm patterns in size 16 both tied with dark brown dubbing and mine with a jig hook. I was able to land another rainbow trout in the shallow water right beneath the pipe. All in all it was a good day with some good fish.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Small Vermont Brook Trout
A brook trout caught in a small Vermont pond at the base of Mt. Equinox in Dorset. Caught stripping a small a zug bug nymph. We struggled to catch many other small rising brook trout, but we pulled this one out nicely.
First Post-Intro
Welcome to the Talkin Trout blog, on this blog we will be posting about the trout fishing, and possibly bass fishing, around Massachusetts and Vermont. We will also be posting links to the recordings of our radio show. Please enjoy!
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